Sunday, May 8, 2011

Modern Princess...and it will never be midnight!!

Once upon a time there was a little girl..named caramellitsa..she liked to party all the time, she used to drink tea and loved home made cookies..She had a huge dressing room full of expensive handbags,shoes,diamond jewellery,silk dresses....
oh,it's not easy being a princess..

(me dancing the waltz last summer)
princess caramellitsa loved to dance the waltz cause she was desperately romantic..

she wouldnt have to work but she would help her people live happily and have all the comforts...
her kingdom was the perfect place to live!
Every month she threw a party to discover her prince..

she waited and waited...
she had her swarovski crystal heels ready for her dance...but he wasnt there...

one day as she was relaxing by listening to music..

her stylish fairy brought her a invitation to a ball....of course she accepted!

And that was it....she met her prince,a young,amazingly handsome & kind boy with a great heart..
he kissed her..

.. since then they are the most-in-love couple ever!!thank you my sweet fairy!!

And they lived happily ever after...And then..I woke up....why???it was such a beautiful dream!!Lucky me I have my prince in real life,too!!

Do you believe in fairytales???

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