Friday, November 27, 2009
Girl of the Week
Thursday, November 26, 2009
American Music Awards Hits & Misses

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Trend Alert - Ripped Denim
There are many ways to wear ripped denim: from jeans to skirts and shorts, holes, rips, and tears, stylish ripped skinnys , baggy boyfriend jeans, or a combo of ripped, bleached and distressed.
If you're thinking of pulling off this denim trend, pair it up with feminine tops, boyfriend blazers, and high heels for a look that’s both feminine and edgy.
So do you think this trend will be invading your closet?
xo Eman

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Questions from You Answered
I'm wanting to try MUFE foundations. Unfortunately where i live they dont sell it in my particular state. However, the only way i can get it is online. In which is much harder as i'm not sure of the colour range and what is best suited. What do you recommend being a makeup artist yourself? and also what summer foundations/tinted moisturisers would you suggest? it'll be summer here next month and so what are your best summer recommendations for me? I'm not a heavy foundation user i just need something to even out my skin tone.
The MUFE foundation I suggest is the HD Foundation. Its a medium coverage foundation so its not too heavy and it gives really great coverage while looking natural. For summer, I suggest the Face & Body foundation. It is a very light foundation so it wont feel heavy in the heat. Plus its waterproof so its perfect if you go to the beach.
xo Eman

Friday, November 13, 2009
Gaga for Gaga
Over the top is what Lady Gaga does best. And her newest video "Bad Romance" does not disappoint. An artist in every sense of the word - Lady Gaga gives us a video that plays with our imagination. Its filled with incredible fashion, MJ "Thriller"-esque dance moves, and some seriously sick shoes.
This song was first previewed at the Alexander McQueen S/S 2010 collection. Several pieces from that collection were used in the video including those crazy "alien" shoes.
The video also features floating diamonds, a polar bear head dress, a very creepy cat, metal chin masks, great manicures, creepy doll-like eyes, lots of lingerie, 11 different makeup, hair and wardrobe changes, and oh did I mention the shoes????
Most of all, this video does what good videos do—it makes you like the song more after seeing it.
Love her or hate her - you can tell Lady Gaga is just having fun. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be Gaga.
"Bad Romance" is the new single from ‘The Fame Monster’ album, out November 23rd, which will include eight new songs along with her entire debut album, ‘The Fame’.

Un jour de chance pour certains, Vendredi 13 n'est pas un jour de malchance pour tout le monde. Ainsi, tous les vendredis 13, la Française des Jeux enregistre 3 fois plus de joueurs. Depuis 1991, elle organise une campagne appelée "opération V13" le vendredi devient la "Journée de la Chance" et les joueurs sont susceptibles de remporter des cagnottes extraordinaires. Mais il n'y pas que pour eux que le vendredi est synonyme de chance.
Tour d'horizon des autres pays du monde»
Les Grecs et les Romains donnent au chiffre 13 une connotation négative. Ces deux mythologies, qui comportent de grandes similitudes, associent toutes deux le chiffre 12 à la régularité et la perfection. Ainsi, il y a 12 dieux olympiens, 12 constellations, 12 signes du zodiaque, 12 heures du jour et de la nuit. Le nombre 13, qui implique d'ajouter une unité au 12 parfait, vient rompre ce cycle régulier et introduit le désordre. Détruisant l'harmonie, il est synonyme de malheur. Pour ce qui est du vendredi, il est associé aux événements malheureux puisque c'est ce jour-là, dans la Rome antique, que se déroulent généralement les exécutions des comdamnés à mort.
Lorsque vous êtes 13 à table la maitresse de maison met un 14e couvert par courtoisie vis à vis de ses invités.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Your Questions Answered
So many things effect your skin. Your diet, exercise, what products you use to cleanse your skin etc. One tip I always suggest is to use a 3 step system twice a day. Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize. Make sure you wash your face before going to bed. Never go to bed with your make up on!!! That will clog your pores and give you the little bumps. You are on the right track...masks and exfoliating are a very important step to getting rid of those little bumps on your skin. Also remember to drink lots of water. And exercise - it makes you sweat out all the impurities in your skin and your skin feels fresh and rejuvinated.
Good luck, xo Eman Aziz
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Make Up For Ever Sens'Eyes Makeup Remover


11 novembre 1918
Un armistice met fin à la Grande Guerre
Le lundi 11 novembre 1918, à 11 heures, dans toute la France, les cloches sonnent à la volée. Au front, les clairons bondissent sur les parapets et sonnent le «Cessez-le-Feu», «Levez-vous», «Au Drapeau».
La «Marseillaise» jaillit à pleins poumons des tranchées. Même soulagement en face, dans le camp allemand.
Pour la première fois depuis quatre ans, Français et Allemands peuvent se regarder sans s'entretuer. Un armistice a été conclu le matin entre les Alliés et l'Allemagne, dernière des Puissances Centrales à rendre les armes. Il laisse derrière lui huit millions de morts et six millions de mutilés.
Les survivants ont perdu la foi dans les valeurs morales et spirituelles qui ont fait la grandeur et l'unité de l'Europe. Mais ils veulent croire que cette guerre qui s'achève restera la dernière de l'Histoire, la «der des der»...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Audrina Patridge Inspired Look
Products used:
Make Up For Ever (MUFE) HD Primer #0
MUFE HD Foundation #125
MUFE HD Concealer #340
MUFE Duo Mat Pressed Powder #205
MUFE Sculpting Kit #2 (alternatives: bronzer, brown eyeshadow)
MUFE Blush #24
MUFE Eyebrow Pencil #4
Mac Teddy Liner
Mac Espresso e/s
Mac Retrospeck e/s
Mac Kid e/s
Mac Wedge e/s
Mac Brun e/s
Mac Carbon e/s
MUFE Aquablack waterproof liquid liner
MUFE Smoky Lash Mascara
MUFE Aqualip liner #1C
MUFE Glossyfull #8

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Trend Alert - Bold Shoulders
When wearing this look, keep heels and other acessories minimal to keep the focus on the bold shoulders.

Friday, November 6, 2009
Questions from You Answered
I am a very big fan. What i wanted to ask u is what is the best non water proof mascara for dramatic dark blackest black thicker lashes cuz i dont like using fake lashes or lash extensions for that matter,also if u know a good way to take care of my eyelashes and make then healthy and keep them that way, thank u so much for ur helpful tips.
My favorite non waterprooof mascara is the Smoky Lash mascara by Make Up For Ever. It gives you nice thick lashes. You can put on so many layers and it never looks clumpy. Plus it extra black. The best way to take care of your lashes is to remove all your eye makeup every night using a gently makeup remover.
xo Eman Aziz
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Trend Alert - Oversized Bow Headbands
If the runway versions are to extreme for you, check out some great wearable options that will still keep you up with the trend and look super cute and flirty.
Lady Gaga
Luella Spring 2010

Monday, November 2, 2009
Trend Alert - Purple
Rhianna recently was seen sporting pale and dark shades of purple lipsticks. Megan fox matched a purple dress with purple nails.
On the runways, purple showed up in every shade. Whether you love Purple or like it a little, there are many ways to wear this fun color this season.