Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Follow me......
You can now follow me at my new twitter name eman_aziz http://twitter.com/eman_aziz
Or check out my websites at
xo Eman Aziz
Or check out my websites at
xo Eman Aziz
Monday, January 25, 2010
Your Questions Answered - How to become a Makeup Artist
Hi Eman,
First off I'd like to say your videos and tutorials are great. I'm 18 and living in Calgary Alberta. All my life I've wanted to become a makeup artist. I'm hoping to go to a school here called Artists Within. I was wondering if you could give me any advice towards becoming a makeup artist? Also, what school did you attend before you became a makeup artist? Any tips or insight would help me greatly...
Thank you for your email. I'm glad you are enjoying my video tutorials!I got into makeup kind of on a whim. I was really into fashion and it then turned to makeup. I started to learn and practice a lot on my own. And then I decided to go to school. I did a one year program and got my makeup artistry certificate.
I did a lot of volunteer (free) work at first to get experience then I started getting paid work. Building your portfolio is the most important thing. Its what represents you and your work. The better your portfolio, the more work you will get.
Here's some advice and tips:
Do makeup as much as you can,be creative - don't be afraid to try new things, read and research about makeup, styles, brands, techniques - never stop learning.
Network, network, network! Meet as many people as you can in the industry. That's how you'll get jobs and build a clientele. Remember that being a makeup artist is a business.
Well I hope this was helpful :) Good luck with everything!
xo Eman Aziz
First off I'd like to say your videos and tutorials are great. I'm 18 and living in Calgary Alberta. All my life I've wanted to become a makeup artist. I'm hoping to go to a school here called Artists Within. I was wondering if you could give me any advice towards becoming a makeup artist? Also, what school did you attend before you became a makeup artist? Any tips or insight would help me greatly...
Thank you for your email. I'm glad you are enjoying my video tutorials!I got into makeup kind of on a whim. I was really into fashion and it then turned to makeup. I started to learn and practice a lot on my own. And then I decided to go to school. I did a one year program and got my makeup artistry certificate.
I did a lot of volunteer (free) work at first to get experience then I started getting paid work. Building your portfolio is the most important thing. Its what represents you and your work. The better your portfolio, the more work you will get.
Here's some advice and tips:
Do makeup as much as you can,be creative - don't be afraid to try new things, read and research about makeup, styles, brands, techniques - never stop learning.
Network, network, network! Meet as many people as you can in the industry. That's how you'll get jobs and build a clientele. Remember that being a makeup artist is a business.
Well I hope this was helpful :) Good luck with everything!
xo Eman Aziz
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Le Taj Mahal, littéralement "palais de la couronne", est situé à Agra, au nord de l'Inde, dans l'Etat de l'Uttar Pradesh, sur la rive sud du fleuve Yamuna. Il se trouve à 200 km au sud de New Delhi, la capitale.
Le Taj Mahal a été construit à la demande de l'empereur Shah Jahan en souvenir de son épouse favorite.
Le Taj Mahal a été construit à la demande de l'empereur Shah Jahan en souvenir de son épouse favorite.
C'est un endroit qui fait rêver tant par sa beauté que par le mystère qui en émane.
Cet édifice a été érigé au nom de l'amour fou d'un empereur envers celle qu'il aimait par-dessus tout.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Gaga for Natalie
I think there's a little bit of Gaga in all of us. In a shoot I did recently, we wanted to bring out the Gaga in our model Natalie. Photographer Tiffany Alzono http://www.tiffanyalonzo.com/
and her assistant Jill did an amazing job at styling the shoot. She captured the softer side of gaga and the crazier side.
For makeup and hair - I started with a softer look, perfecting the models skin and defining her features. The look worked well with the softer lighting and background. The second look I did a strong black cupid lip with lots of liner to define the models eyes. I went with stronger makeup so it can stand out against the accessories we used in the shots.
Check out some of the images from the shoot below:

and her assistant Jill did an amazing job at styling the shoot. She captured the softer side of gaga and the crazier side.
For makeup and hair - I started with a softer look, perfecting the models skin and defining her features. The look worked well with the softer lighting and background. The second look I did a strong black cupid lip with lots of liner to define the models eyes. I went with stronger makeup so it can stand out against the accessories we used in the shots.
Check out some of the images from the shoot below:

Port au Prince est, comme nous ne pouvons pas l'ignorer maintenant, la capitale de Haïti située dans les Caraïbes.
Le 12 janvier dernier s'est produit un tremblement de terre dévastateur d'une amplitude de 7° sur l'échelle de Richter.
Pourquoi ?
La faille d'Enquirillo est en cause et a produit le désastre. Cette faille traverse l'île d'est en ouest. Lorsque les forces géologiques qui s'opposent le long de failles excèdent la résistance de cette faille alors le tremblement de terre se produit.
Cette fracture bien connue des experts oppose la plaque Caraïbe et la plaque nord-américaine allant de la république Dominicaine à la Jamaïque. Elle s'étend sur environ 500 kms, et selon les informations elle se serait fracturée sur 50 kms environ.
Ce sont environ 3 millions de personnes qui auraient subi ce séisme. D'autres secousses vont avoir lieu mais de moindre importance et iront en s'affaiblissant.
Si ce séisme avait eu lieu sous la mer des Caraïbes, un énorme tsunami alors se serait produit et on en connaît malheureusement les effets.
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Avec le tremblement de terre si terrible qui vient d'avoir lieu à Haïti, nous pensons surtout à ces petits enfants qui ont et vont tellement avoir besoin d'aide. Dans le monde entier il y a des enfants qui attendent un geste de notre part. Réfléchissez à cela avec http://enfance-espoir.org.
Monday, January 11, 2010
FMA Entertainment
I had the pleasure of working with TV hosts Erin Ireland and Meena Man for promotional material for their new television show called FMA Entertainment Weekly.
FMA Entertainment Weekly is a weekly, half-hour entertainment and lifestyle show featuring the latest in fashion, music and arts based on West Coast lifestyle trends from LA to Vancouver. The TV show will not only have related features, but also cover topics such as health, beauty, fitness, hotspots, cultures and lifestyles to broaden its appeal to their audience.
The show launched on January 9th, 2010 and can be seen every Saturday night on KVOS TV at 10:30 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time).
For more on Erin and Meena or on FMA Weekly, checkout the links below:
Erin Ireland:
FMA Weekly:
xo Eman Aziz
FMA Entertainment Weekly is a weekly, half-hour entertainment and lifestyle show featuring the latest in fashion, music and arts based on West Coast lifestyle trends from LA to Vancouver. The TV show will not only have related features, but also cover topics such as health, beauty, fitness, hotspots, cultures and lifestyles to broaden its appeal to their audience.
The show launched on January 9th, 2010 and can be seen every Saturday night on KVOS TV at 10:30 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time).
For more on Erin and Meena or on FMA Weekly, checkout the links below:
Erin Ireland:
FMA Weekly:
xo Eman Aziz

Lorsque le ciel gris vous donne un coup de "bourdon" en cliquant sur "blog suivant" c'était la surprise et la découverte. Quelle déception maintenant de retomber systématiquement sur les mêmes blogs qui plaisent ou non.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
C'est aux alentours de 1220 que les crèches ont fait leur apparition dans les églises.
A la révolution de 1789 les lieux de culte sont fermés. Les Provençaux alors ne pouvant pas se recueillir créent des "SANTONS" représentant la "NATIVITE" dans des scènes de la vie courante. On trouve le "Ravi", le "Pistachié", la "Roustide", " l' Aveugle et son fils" dans la "Pastorale".
A la révolution de 1789 les lieux de culte sont fermés. Les Provençaux alors ne pouvant pas se recueillir créent des "SANTONS" représentant la "NATIVITE" dans des scènes de la vie courante. On trouve le "Ravi", le "Pistachié", la "Roustide", " l' Aveugle et son fils" dans la "Pastorale".
Ces "SANTONS" sont des petits personnages fabriqués à la main pour la plupart en terre cuite puis peints.
Ce sont des objets de l'artisanat provençal reconnu dans le monde entier maintenant.
J'oserais dire que ces petits personnages sont de véritables objets d'art.
Une de mes amies originaire du sud a su reconstituer magnfiquement la vie dans un village avec ses habitants vivant la "NATIVITE"
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