It must be working, as Reps. Jim McGovern and Ed Royce introduced on Tuesday a resolution “spotlighting the atrocities of Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army and supporting U.S. efforts to counter the LRA,” according to a release.

“There is increased attention on the terror inflicted upon innocent people by the LRA – and that’s a good thing. I am hopeful that we can use this momentum as a force for change,” said McGovern, who co-chairs the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. “We must do all that we can to protect innocent civilians — especially children — and end LRA violence once and for all. We made important strides with our legislation in the last Congress, but our work must continue.”
Among other things, the new resolution, H.Res. 583, “condemns the LRA’s atrocities and welcomes the steps taken to date” and “calls for stepped-up efforts to expand the number of regional forces deployed to protect civilians and pursue LRA commanders, while increasing cross-border coordination among regional governments.”
“No one should be so naïve as to think that a 30-minute video, or even capturing Joseph Kony and disarming the LRA, will end the violence in central Africa. It will not. There are many factors that contributed to the LRA, the genocide in Rwanda, the mass rapes and killings in the Congo, and human rights violations by government forces in those countries.But neither should we watch idly as these crimes occur, just because they are half a world away.We can all work to help victims of war rebuild their lives, we can all work to bring the perpetrators of atrocities to justice, we can all work to help make the world a better place.”
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